Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Weed Whacking for Writers

I think that itch between my ears might be weeds overgrowing the area in my mind that should be occupied by writing stuff!

Laziness has set in. I'd like to blame summer but it was snaking it's way into my work ethic while the mornings were still cool and the days dark and damp with lingering winter weather. I try to get the engine going, pulling on the starter cord again and again. I should... I should... I should be getting more done.

Sputter. Sputter. Cough. Clunk.

Maybe I'll try again after some cold sweet tea....

Unlike yardwork nobody is coming knocking door to door saying "Any writing you need done, lady?" so I guess it's up to me to figure out how to do more than just keep a path cleared with the now and then blog and pay the bills writing. I need to clear the weeds away. The best way to do that is to make sure I have the right tools -- off to the "school supply" aisle at Target!

Hours later.... ;) ... colorful composition books, a new pack of pens and a plan for a fresh approach is hatched. I will write the first draft of the book due in August fast, without nitpicking, and without the distraction of computer stuff... yep, going it the old fashioned way, with pen and paper.

It's awesome the power of a pretty notebook and a new pen. Ah, the siren call of pages and pages of untouched paper bound and waiting to be filled with plotting, witty dialog, romance and the adventures of Otis and Earnest T (the dog's in the next book).

Next up - planting a garden to feed my writerly soul, after the weeds are cleared, I need to set out the rows, plunk down the markers and get my hands dirty with the ink of possibilities! What's growing between YOUR ears??

(PS _ still having trouble replying to comments... sometimes I can come in sideways through IE but there ya go...)