Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Christmas Sisters for KindleThe Wedding Sisters for KindleChristmas BellesTen Christmas Brides Bundle for Kindle

If you love Christmas as much as I do you won't want to miss these fun, romantic Christmas stories. 

From Southern sisters finding their way back to the home and family... and men... they love to a group of strangers who become family as they take on a special project for Christmas to a bundle of spicy to sweet romances, there's something for any Christmas fanatic.

Starting in late October look for sales on The Christmas Sisters (the first in the series that includes The Summer Sisters and also Christmas themed The Wedding Sisters and the newest, The September Sisters) and Sister Belles, the first book to read before Christmas Belles.

Ten Christmas Brides book bundle features 10 bestselling authors Christmas romances that put sizzle and sweetness into the holidays.

It's beginning to look a lot like it's going to be a wonderful reading season!